October 3, 2022
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    Adkom Adds Eco-Conscious Sustainable Media Inventory


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    For advertisers interested in a unique way to drive foot traffic to local events or stores, Adkom’s new 100% carbon-neutral media format delivers a fresh option to engage audiences. 
    Adkom's newest addition to our growing inventory of sustainable media solutions is a solar-powered kiosk that takes consumer engagement to the next level. Our municipal partners have given us some especially attractive sign locations and, in return, use 40% of the digital ad slots for their own messaging - PSAs, transit and weather updates, area maps - a trusted environment for your brand to also appear.
    Kiosks offer multiple features for your brand. Their digital screens showcase e-ink technology, which creates high contrast and visibility any time of day. You can bolster your digital ad by wrapping the kiosk in static vinyl, extending your brand's impact to all sides of the kiosk and generating visibility from much further away. 
    These kiosks have driven huge success for a range of brands: Red Bull used them to build excitement for their 2022 Cliff Diving World Series in Boston. Over the four weeks leading up to the event, these carbon-neutral kiosks delivered over a million impressions and contributed to the huge turnout. 
    In another campaign, a telecommunications company used these kiosks to dramatically increase store visits - viewers were nearly five times more likely to visit a location. 

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    As part of our efforts to help our clients do more for the environment, Adkom has launched the “5% challenge” - addressing brands’ surging interest in reducing their carbon footprints. Brands that allocate as little as 5% of their out-of-home budgets to sustainable, zero-carbon media formats are reducing their CO2 emissions by up to one ton for each four-week campaign. 
    To join this sustainability challenge and get your message out in a unique way, reach out to Adkom today.